• I saw you looking, hej!

Anacapri, Italy

Over the past forty years I have developed an impressive client list that has included: The Ford Foundation; United Way Worldwide; NFL Partnerships; The Commonwealth Fund; UNICEF: Ethiopia - New York - Swaziland; World Food Program, Sénégal; Oxfam; Rockefeller Bros. Fund; The Carnegie Corporation; The World Economic Forum, Addis Ababa; Towers Perrin; Young and Rubicam; McCann Erikson; European PressPhoto Agency; The New York Times; and a host of magazines and record labels.



United Way - NFL National Ad Campaign

Denver Broncos

Senegal Book Samples

Allez Les Lion

Ethiopia Book Samples

Denver Broncos

Book Publications

Brooklyn Kings, 2001

Small World, 2010

The Kingdom, Ethiopia 2013

Dakar Noir, 2022

Let's talk

Photographer and Founder: Martin Dixon
Send an email to dixonstore0@gmail.com

Photo: Nairobi, Kenya